Message from Tom Parsons, Senior Vice President, Manager of the U.S. Bank Student Loan Center

U.S. Bank opened for business in 1891 and is now the largest bank based in the Pacific Northwest. We have been involved in the student loan business since the early sixties and have been expanding in the student loan market for years. You may not know that U.S. Bank was the first bank in the country to use the ôbranchö banking concept or that we were the first bank in the country to have ôdrive-inö banking but you may have heard of U.S. Bank as a result of the publicity we received over our ôJoan and Davidö ads. In these ads we suggested that our customers NOT spend all their money on consumer purchases through credit cards but should instead save their money whenever possible. Our role as a consumer advocate is to help our customers stay financially strong and not incur debt needlessly.

The financial aid community often speaks of the tragedies that occur each year as some students incur too much debt and have to delay or sacrifice their education or ôstop outö in order to become financially sound again. Consequently, we do not capitalize interest on our loans until repayment nor do we market credit cards to our Stafford Loan borrower data base. We encourage families to apply for financial aid as early as possible to be considered for other forms of assistance prior to loans. Additionally our marketing materials focus on budgeting and stretching dollars (i.e., our ôEnough Money Brochureö).

The U.S. Bank Student Loan Center is focused on educational loans and educational loan servicing ONLY. You are our business. There are no artificial barriers in choosing to use U.S. Bank: No prior customer relationship is required nor do we hold your funds for any length of time. Using U.S. Bank is simple, fast, efficient and hassle-free!

If you are interested in either information or a loan application, you may simply e-mail me at the Student Loan Center (see below). I hope that the information provided in this Homepage will help you to learn more about financial aid in general and give you comfort knowing that should you choose U.S. Bank as your lender that we will be right here to answer your questions throughout the academic year and the summers too. If you are one of the many elementary or secondary school students using the WWW, I hope you will become aware that financial aid for college is available regardless of your familyÆs income. It is certainly possible for you to attend the educational institution of your choice. We would like to help you do so!

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Feedback or questions about this site or U.S. Bank? Send e-mail to: Tom Parsons (

For More Information Contact the Student Loan Center at 800/242-1200